If anyone’s entitled to declare “It’s not rocket science” it’s Bob. As a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for 30 years, Bob spent the last 20 years of his career in the space industry. He was proud to work on many flagship projects including ExoMars Rover and his pride and joy, Bepi Colombo which is currently circling Mercury.
Academic achievements include his engineering degree and MBA.
During his career he had to endure many presentations that were dire. Some of them were his! That sparked his interest in public speaking and pursuit of a better way to deliver technical expertise.
Bob continued to develop his professional speaking skills through the Certified World Class Speaker Coach programme and his memberships of the Professional Speaking Association and the UK Guild of Speechwriters.
Although he helps many business owners use presentation as an excellent method of raising their profile and attracting business, Bob specialises in helping technical experts communicate their knowledge effectively. He developed his S.P.A.C.E.C.R.A.F.T. system as a comprehensive communications programme which he later published in his book “Great technical speaking, it’s not rocket science”.
When he’s not training, coaching or speaking at events, Bob continues to develop new tools and techniques to help technical experts be heard, understood and valued.
If you want to improve your technical speaking skills quickly, you can get a flying start by buying Bob’s book, “Great Technical Speaking, it’s not rocket science”. It’s packed with great tips.
To find out how our services can accelerate your confidence in delivering the perfect presentation contact Bob to book a short discovery call to see how he can help you.
Copyright © 2022 BOB FERGUSON